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Our CSB program is simple:

You pay for craft beer in advance.

We thank you with discounts and bonuses!


Your first fill will also include 1 Town Square glass to bring home - The perfect way to enjoy fresh out of the tank craft beer!


6 growler fills

12 growler fills

18 growler fills

24 growler fills





A few times a year we shut down to the general public and invite members for exclusive parties. Grab a beer and come hang out in the brewery with us for a few hours.

Members also receive 10% off all additional beer purchases, including taproom pours when filling your growlers! You also receive 10% off merchandise and 10% off space rental.

join the club!
What subscriptin would you like to purchase?

Welcome to the Club!

Fill out the form below and we will be in touch to get you set up for your choice subscription.

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